How to Prepare Your SaaS Business for Acquisition: A Comprehensive Guide

A Guide To Build A SaaS Acquisition Checklist
SaaS business


  1. Importance of planning your exit strategy early.
  2. Focus on crucial metrics like churn rate, CAC, and LTV.
  3. Perks of having a strong management team.
  4. Importance of hiring an M&A advisor.
  5. Understand different types of M&A deals.
  6. How to identify potential buyers and their motivations.

The SaaS industry has reached new heights in recent years. A $31.4 billion industry in 2015 is approximately $232 billion at the current time. This tremendous growth has made SaaS acquisitions an attractive option for both investors and entrepreneurs. 

But the question is “How do we prepare our SaaS business for acquisition?”. Here’s a guide that'll help you navigate thoug.h the entire process.

Start Planning Early

You know what they say - the early bird catches the worm. The same goes for planning your SaaS exit strategy. Don't wait until you're ready to sell to start preparing. Begin the process early on, it could be years before you plan to exit. 

This gives you enough time to increase your business's value, understand the market, and get all your priorities set. 

Here’s how planning early helps in your exit strategy: 

  1. Identify and improve the main values of your business.
  2. Understand potential buyers and their motivations.
  3. Helps organize your financials and legal documents.
  4. Prepare your management team for a smooth transition.

Know Your Businesses Worth

Good metrics are the key to a successful SaaS business. Buyers will look at specific Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to assess your business's health and potential. 

Some crucial metrics are:

  1. Churn Rate: This shows how many customers you're losing over time. A low churn rate indicates high customer satisfaction and loyalty - music to a buyer's ears.
  1. Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC): How much does it cost you to acquire a new customer? The lower, the better.
  1. Customer Lifetime Value (LTV): This estimates the total revenue you can expect from a customer throughout their relationship with your business. A high LTV to CAC ratio is a green flag for potential buyers.
  1. Monthly Recurring Revenue (MRR) and Annual Recurring Revenue (ARR): These metrics provide insights into your predictable income streams.
  1. Gross Revenue Retention (GRR) and Gross Profit Margin (GPM): These show your business's stability and profitability.

Build A Strong Management Team

A robust, diverse, and strong management team is the backbone of any SaaS business. They not only ensure smooth operations but also make your company more attractive to potential buyers by showing that your business isn't solely dependent on the founder.

Investing in leadership development and hiring individuals with complementary skills plays a very important role in forming a strong management team. This diversity in talent can drive innovation, improve decision-making, and ultimately increase the company's value.

Get All The Legal Documents Sorted

An acquisition will totally fail if the legal documents are not well sorted. It’s important that we organize all legal paperwork well in advance, which includes:

  • Contracts (employee, customer, vendor)
  • Licenses and permits
  • Intellectual property documentation
  • Corporate records
  • Tax returns

Conduct meetings and seek help from the legal counsel early in the process. They will ensure everything is in order and minimize the risk of complications during due diligence.

Understand M&A Deal Types

Knowledge is power, especially when it comes to M&A deals. Familiarizing yourself with different types of acquisitions is very important.

  1. Strategic Acquisitions: When a company buys another to expand its capabilities or market share.
  2. Horizontal Mergers: Combining with a company in the same industry.
  3. Majority Recapitalizations: Selling a majority stake while retaining some ownership.
  4. Vertical Mergers: Merging with a company in the same supply chain but at a different stage.
  5. Roll-up Acquisitions: Combining multiple smaller companies in the same industry.
  6. Acqui-hires: Acquiring a company primarily for its talent rather than its products or services.

Understanding the type of deal will help you plan your exit strategy and align it with your goals.

Know Your Potential Buyers

Understanding the type of buyer interested in your SaaS company can help position your business more effectively and increase its value.

Strategic Buyers

They are typically larger companies in your industry or from a related sector. Their main motive is to expand their product offerings, enter new markets, or acquire new technologies.

Pros: Often willing to pay higher premiums due to potential synergies.

Cons: May lead to significant changes in company culture and operations.

Financial Buyers (Private Equity Firms)

They are investment firms looking to acquire, grow, and eventually sell companies for a profit. They mainly look for strong financials, scalable business models, and growth potential.

Pros: Can provide capital and expertise to accelerate growth.

Cons: May focus more on financial performance than product innovation.

Venture Capital Firms

They are investment firms typically focused on early-stage, high-growth companies. They mainly look for innovative technologies, rapid growth, and potential for significant returns.

Pros: Can provide resources and connections for rapid scaling.

Cons: May be less interested in mature, stable businesses.

Family Offices

They are private wealth management advisory firms that serve ultra-high-net-worth individuals or families. They mainly look for long-term, stable investments with consistent returns.

Pros: Often have a longer investment horizon and may be less focused on quick exits.

Cons: May have less experience in actively managing SaaS businesses.

Individual Investors or Angel Investors

They are high-net-worth individuals looking to invest directly in companies. Their main focus is on opportunities for significant returns, often in industries they understand well.

Pros: Can bring valuable industry experience and connections.

Cons: May have limited resources compared to institutional investors.

Corporate Venture Capital Arms

They are investment divisions of large corporations whose main focus is on strategic investments that align with their parent company's goals.

Pros: Can provide both capital and potential for strategic partnerships.

Cons: May have complex decision-making processes and specific strategic requirements.

Understanding these potential buyers can help you better prepare your SaaS business for an acquisition. It helps you plan your pitch better, highlight the most relevant aspects of your business, and negotiate the terms based on the buyer's motivations and interests.

Consider Hiring An M&A Advisor

Navigating through M&A deals can be complex. Having an experienced M&A advisor on board just puts the entire process in order. 

The M&A advisors provide valuable insights, help enhance your company's valuation, and negotiate favorable deal terms on your behalf. Their expertise will potentially lead to a higher sale price and a smoother transaction process.

Implement Growth Strategies

While preparing for acquisition, planning a growth strategy for your business is a must. Here are some strategies to increase your company's value :

  1. Focus on customer acquisition and retention
  2. Expand your product offerings
  3. Explore new markets
  4. Improve your pricing strategy
  5. Invest in marketing and sales
  6. Enhance your technology and infrastructure

A growing, thriving business is much more attractive to potential buyers than a stagnant one.


Preparing your SaaS business for acquisition is not easy. It requires careful planning, smooth execution, and a deep understanding of your business and the market. 

Start planning early, focus on your metrics, build a strong team, and keep pushing for growth to reach new heights. By keeping this guide in mind and planning the right approach, you can position your company for a fruitful and successful exit.

If you're already planning for an exit or an acquisition, BlackBook Investments can help you with just that. 

Also, go to our resources section to read and learn more about investing in online businesses.